تم تعطيل الجافا سكربت. للحصول على تجربة أفضل، الرجاء تمكين الجافا سكربت في المتصفح الخاص بك قبل المتابعة.
أنت تستخدم أحد المتصفحات القديمة. قد لا يتم عرض هذا الموقع أو المواقع الأخرى بشكل صحيح.
يجب عليك ترقية متصفحك أو استخدام
أحد المتصفحات البديلة .
هنا تعلم كيف توصف الدواء بالطريقة الصحيحة(متجدد)
Eye drops
Wash your hands.
Do not touch the dropper opening.
Look upward.
Pull the lower eyelid down to make a ‘gutter.
Bring the dropper as close to the
gutter' as possible without touching it or the eye.
Apply the prescribed amount of drops in the ‘gutter.
Close the eye for about two minutes. Do not shut the eye too tight.
Excess fluid can be removed with a tissue.
If more than one kind of eye-drop is used wait at least five minutes before applying the next drops.
Eye-drops may cause a burning feeling but this should not last for more than a few minutes. If it does last longer consult a doctor or pharmacist
When giving eye-drops to children
Let the child lie back with head straight.
The child's eyes should be closed.
Drip the amount of drops prescribed into the corner of the eye.
Keep the head straight.
Remove excess fluid.
Ear Drops
Ear Drops
Warm the ear-drops by keeping them in the hand or the armpit for several minutes. Do not use hot water tap, no temperature control
Tilt head sideways or lie on one side with the ear upward.
Gently pull the lobe to expose the ear canal.
Apply the amount of drops prescribed.
Wait five minutes before turning to the other ear.
Use cotton wool to close the ear canal after applying the drops only
if the manufacturer explicitly recommends this.
Ear-drops should not burn or sting longer than a few minutes
Nasal Drops
Nasal Drops
Blow the nose.
Sit down and tilt head backward strongly or lie down with a pillow under the shoulders; keep head straight
Insert the dropper one centimeter into the nostril.
Apply the amount of drops prescribed.
Immediately afterward tilt head forward strongly (head between knees)
Sit up after a few seconds, the drops will then drip into the pharynx.
Repeat the procedure for the other nostril, if necessary.
Rinse the dropper with boiled water
مشرف كليه الطب
طاقم الإدارة
ممتاز معلومات مهمه بارك الله فيك
Nasal Spray
Nasal Spray
Blow the nose.
Sit with the head slightly tilted forward.
Shake the spray.
Insert the tip in one nostril.
Close the other nostril and mouth.
Spray by squeezing the vial (flask, container) and sniff slowly.
Remove the tip from the nose and bend the head forward strongly (head between the knees).
Sit up after a few seconds; the spray will drip down the pharynx.
Breathe through the mouth.
Rinse the tip with boiled water.
Transdermal Patch
Transdermal Patch
For patch site see instructions included with the drug or check with your pharmacist.
Do not apply over bruised or damaged skin.
Do not wear over skin folds or under tight clothing and change spots regularly.
Apply with clean, dry hands.
Clean and dry the area of application completely.
Remove patch from package, do not touch ‘drug’ side.
Place on skin and press firmly.
Rub the edges to seal.
Remove and replace according to instructions
Cough up as much sputum as possible.
Shake the aerosol before use.
Hold the aerosol as indicated in the manufacturer's instructions (this is usually upside down).
Place the lips tightly around the mouthpiece.
Tilt the head backward slightly.
Breathe out slowly, emptying the lungs of as much air as possible.
Breathe in deeply and activate the aerosol, keeping the tongue down.
Hold the breath for ten to fifteen seconds.
Breathe out through the nose.
Rinse the mouth with warm water.
مجهوود رائع يفيد طلبة المتدربين كثيرا