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عندي project و بدي مساعده ، بدنا نسجل صوتي و اعمل modulation من ال MATLAB و هذا الوصف :

Project purposes:
  1. 1. Test AM transmission
  2. 2. Test FM transmission
  3. 3. Test sinusoid and real voice data
1. Genera
  1. 2. Study of AM
  2. a. Generate sinusoid signal with 1K Hz for 10ms and modulate w
  3. μ in c
    1. followings:
  4. Use envelop detector in the receiver to get the reconstructed signal. Compare the original signals and three reconstructed in the same matlab b. ignal in channel 0 in the same 3. Study o a. ng data, the modulated data, and the spectrum. it the voice through the channel and hear the voice. Plot spectrum
    plot by using hold on. (normalize the scale)
    Transmit the voice through the channel and hear the voice. Plot the spectrum of your voice and the modulated s
    1. matlab file. f FM Generate sinusoid signal with 15K Hz for 10ms for different β=0.1 and β=5. Plot the modulati
  5. b. Transm
    1. of your voice and the modulated signal in channel 0 in the same matlab file.