Phosphorus and Phosphoric Acid


مستشار كلية العلوم النهرالخالد
طاقم الإدارة
Phosphorus and Phosphoric Acid
هذا جزء من كتاب بعنوان

Handbook of Chemical Technology and Pollution Control
Third Edition
Martin B. Hocking

وهذا الكتاب يحتوى على الموضوعات الاتية

Table of Contents
Preface to the Third Edition, Page xxi

Preface to the Second Edition, Pages xxiii-xxiv

Preface to the First Edition, Pages xxv-xxvi

Acknowledgments, Pages xxvii-xxix

1 - Background and Technical Aspects, Pages 1-31

2 - Air Quality Measurement and Effects of Pollution, Pages 33-70

3 - Air Pollution Control Priorities and Methods, Pages 71-10

4 - Water Quality Measurement, Pages 105-138

5 - Raw Water Processing and Wastewater Treatment, Pages 139-174
6 - Natural and Derived Sodium and Potassium Salts, Pages 175-199

7 - Industrial Bases by Chemical Routes, Pages 201-220
8 - Electrolytic Sodium Hydroxide, Chlorine, and Related Commodities, Pages 221-252
9 - Sulfur and Sulfuric Acid, Pages 253-287

10 - Phosphorus and Phosphoric Acid, Pages 289-320

11 - Ammonia, Nitric Acid and Their Derivatives, Pages 321-364

12 - Aluminum and Compounds, Pages 365-390
13 - Ore Enrichment and Smelting of Copper, Pages 391-420
14 - Production of Iron and Steel, Pages 421-452
15 - Production of Pulp and Paper, Pages 453-50

16 - Fermentation and other Microbiological Processes, Pages 505-556

17 - Petroleum Production and Transport, Pages 557-591

18 - Petroleum Refining, Pages 593-636

19 - Petrochemicals, Pages 637-668
20 - Condensation (Step-Growth) Polymer Theory, Pages 669-688

21 - Commercial Polycondensation (Step-Growth) Polymers, Pages 689-712

22 - Addition (Chain Reaction) Polymer Theory, Pages 713-736

23 - Commercial Addition (Vinyl-Type) Polymers, Pages 737-758
1 - Information Related to Soil Pollution Topics, Pages 759-766
2 - Relevant Technical Websites by Topic, Pages 767-774
3 - Constants, Si Units, and Multiples and Formulas, Pages 775-776

4 - Conversion Factors, Viscosity Data, Pages 777-778
Subject Index, Pages 779-799

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