طلب بحث عن nanocomposites

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركااااته

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بحثت ولم أجد بحث عن النانو كمبوزيت باللغه الانجليزيه

لاهنتم لا أحد يبخل علينا بالعلم.

على وشك التخرج
Polymer/Layered Silicate Nanocomposites (Rapra review reports) (v. 14, No. 7)


M. Okamoto, "Polymer/Layered Silicate Nanocomposites (Rapra review reports) (v. 14, No. 7)"
Publisher: Smithers Rapra Technology | 2003 | ISBN 1859573916 | PDF | 180 pages | 1.92 MB

Polymer/layered silicate (PLS) nanocomposites have
received a great deal of attention during the past
decade. They often exhibit attractive improvement
of material properties (393) when compared with
pure polymer or conventional composites (both
micro- and macro-composites). These improvements
can include, high moduli (a.1), increased strength
and heat resistance (a.2), decreased gas permeability
(410) and flammability (a.3) and increased
biodegradability of biodegradable polymers (a.4).
On the other hand, these materials have also been
proved unique model systems to study the structure
and dynamics of polymers in confined environments
(175, 176, 394).





Thermoset Nanocomposites for Engineering Applications


Rumiana Kotsilkova, “Thermoset Nanocomposites for Engineering Applications”
Smithers Rapra Press | 2007-08-01 | ISBN: 1847350623 | 338 pages | PDF | 3,9 MB

Thermoset nanocomposites are complex hybrid materials which integrate nanoparticles with polymers to produce a novel nanostructure, with extraordinary properties. Organic/inorganic hybrids are some of the most challenging nanostructures investigated to date. What differentiates nanocomposite materials from classical composites is the degree of control of fabrication, processing and performance, that can be achieved down to a very small scale. Thermoset polymer nanocomposites have received less interest in their scientific development and engineering applications than thermoplastic nanocomposites. However, some of these materials may be relatively easy to bring into production. The understanding of characteristics of the interphase region and the estimation of technology-structure-property relationships are the current research frontier in nanocomposite materials. This book summarises the experimental results of work on thermoset nanocomposites obtained from the collaboration of three research groups from Bulgaria, Greece and Italy, and analyses some of results reported in the literature. The engineering resin nanocomposites are restricted to the most commonly used thermosets, such as epoxy resins, unsaturated polyesters, acrylic resins, and so on. Various nanoparticles have been found to be useful for nanocomposite preparation with thermosetting polymers, along with smectite clay, diamond, graphite, alumina and ferroxides. Thermoset nanocomposites represent a new technology solution. These new formulations benefit from improved dimensional/thermal stability, flame retardancy and chemical resistance; and have potential applications in marine, industrial and construction markets. This book helps to answer questions related to the design of nanocomposites by controlling the processing technology and structure. The book is addressed not only to researchers and engineers who actively work in the broad field of nanocomposite technology, but also to newcomers and students who have just started investigations in this multidisciplinary field of material science.

الله يعطيك العافيه أخوووووي ابن النيييييييييييييييييييييل

ونتمنى لكم التوفيق والنجاح دوماااااااا

تحياتي لمن دخل حياتي
أخي وليد ما عليك الا ان تبحث عن CVD أو PVD و إن شاء الله سوف تغرق في عالم النانو
برجاء رفع الكتابين مرة اخرى لان مرك التحميل لايعمل فى مصر برجاء رفعهم على الرابيد شير او الميجا اب لوود
Polymer/Layered Silicate Nanocomposites (Rapra review reports) (v. 14, No. 7)


M. Okamoto, "Polymer/Layered Silicate Nanocomposites (Rapra review reports) (v. 14, No. 7)"
Publisher: Smithers Rapra Technology | 2003 | ISBN 1859573916 | PDF | 180 pages | 1.92 MB

Polymer/layered silicate (PLS) nanocomposites have
received a great deal of attention during the past
decade. They often exhibit attractive improvement
of material properties (393) when compared with
pure polymer or conventional composites (both
micro- and macro-composites). These improvements
can include, high moduli (a.1), increased strength
and heat resistance (a.2), decreased gas permeability
(410) and flammability (a.3) and increased
biodegradability of biodegradable polymers (a.4).
On the other hand, these materials have also been
proved unique model systems to study the structure
and dynamics of polymers in confined environments
(175, 176, 394).

برجاء رفع الكتابين مرة اخرى لان مرك التحميل لايعمل فى مصر برجاء رفعهم على الرابيد شير او الميجا اب لوود
بالنسبة للكتاب الأول يمكنك تحميله من المرفقات حتى نوفر عليك وعلى من يحتاج الكتاب العناء
لا تنسانا أنا وأستاذى ابن النيل من صالح دعائك
أرق تحياتى لمشرفنا وأخى العزيز ابن النيل


  • Polymer+Layered Silicate Nanocomposites (Rapra review reports) (v. 14, No. 7).rar
    1.9 MB · المشاهدات: 14
متشكر لإخوتي و اساتذتي على تلك الكتب
و ارجو ان يعجبك هذا

xxxxx, "Biopolymers/PVA Hydrogels/Anionic Polymerisation/ Nanocomposites (Advances in Polymer Science) (vol 153)"
Publisher: Springer | 2000 | ISBN: 354067313X | PDF | 221 pages | 3.5 MB

Presents present and future trends in polymer science, with a collection of papers contributed by researchers in the biopolymers, PVA hydrogels, anionic polymerisation, and nanocomposites.

Download | Uploading.com

Mirror | Depositfiles.com
و هذا ايضا
Rheology and Processing of Polymeric Materials: Volume 1: Polymer Rheology

May 25th, 2008


Rheology and Processing of Polymeric Materials: Volume 1: Polymer Rheology
Oxford University Press, USA | 2007-04-05 | ISBN: 0195187822 | 736 pages | PDF | 16,1 Mb​
Volume 1 presents first fundamental principles of the rheology of polymeric fluid including kinematics and stresses of a deformable body, the continuum theory for the viscoelasticity of flexible homogeneous polymeric liquids, the molecular theory for the viscoelasticity of flexible homogeneous polymeric liquids, and the experimental methods for the measurement of the rheological properties of poylmeric liquids. The materials presented are intended to set a stage for the subsequent chapters by introducing the basic concepts and principles of rheology, from both phenomenological and molecular perspectives, ofstructurally simple flexible and homogeneous polymeric liquids.
Next, this volume presents the rheological behavior of structurally complex polymeric materials including miscible polymer blends, block copolymers, liquid-crystalline polymers, thermoplastic polyurethanes,
immiscible polymer blends, perticulare-filled polymers, organoclay nanocomposites, molten polymers with dissolved gas, and thermosts.

جزاكم الله الخيركله أخوانى الاعزاء
ياهلا بيكم حبايبنا

أسأل الله أن يعز الأمه الاسلاميه بشبابها وشيبانها

وأشكررررررررررركم جميعا بعنف

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