The secret of GOOD POSTURE


مشرف قسم العلاج الطبيعي
The secret of GOOD POSTURE

Added: 2008-02-15 12:53:42, By: georgeandoh, eBook ID: 438257

The secret of GOOD POSTURE
by American Physical Therapy Association
PDF | English | 748KB | 16 pages

Stand up straight! Don?t slouch!? How many times did you hear those scolding words while growing up? Maybe more times than you would like to remember.

Behind those long forgotten words lies a very
valuable and surprisingly simple message: Good
posture is important because it helps your body
function at top speed. It promotes movement
efficiency and endurance and contributes to an
overall feeling of well-being.

Good posture also contributes to good appearance;
the person with good posture projects
poise, confidence, and dignity.

Learn how good posture can help you walk
proud and stand tall with this book.

If you
have poor posture, your bones are not properly
aligned, and your muscles, joints, and ligaments
take more strain than nature intended. Faulty
posture may cause you fatigue, muscular strain,
and, in later stages, pain. Many individuals with
chronic back pain can trace their problems to
years of faulty postural habits. In addition, poor
posture can affect the position and function of
your vital organs, particularly those in the
abdominal region
السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته
مقال اكثر من رائع اعتقد لابد تعليمة لكل الفئات وذلك للحد من الاصابات المتزايدة التي تأتي بسبب اوضاع العمل او الجلوس الخاطئة
جزاكم الله خيرا
جزاك الله خيرا على مرورك
وأهلا وسهلا بك
لا تحرمينا بمرورك ومشاركتك الطيبة والقيمة