Body Enhancement Products (Drugs: the Straight Facts) (US$30)
Stationary Office Pages: 120 2004-10 ISBN: 0791081974 9 MB
Since the dawn of competitive sports,athletes have used enhancement drugs and methods to increase their performance and reach artifi- cially heightened levels of athleticism. Although the past century has seen increased regulation and testing for enhancement drugs, it has also seen an equally increased level of use.Today,enhancement drugs are used all over the world, at all levels of sport, from high school athletics to the highest rungs of Olympic competition. These drugs, however, have gone beyond their traditional role as artificial aids for athletes. They are now used by teenagers and adults alike to increase energy, lose weight, and achieve better-looking physiques. This trend has been reinforced by a society that places an extremely high value on “being number one” and having a “perfect body.” The trend of body enhancement drug use for sports, however, although it seems to be escalating exponentially, is far from new