Designer Drugs (Drugs the Straight Facts) (US$30)
Stationary Office Pages: 112 2004-01 ISBN: 0791076385 2 MB
The term designer drug was coined in the mid- to late 1980s when doctors, scientists, and law enforcement agencies noted that, over the past few decades, the number of people who were attempting to illegally synthesize mind altering drugs in underground “clandestine” laboratories was increasing dramatically. These “basement chemists” were taking the chemical structures of known legal drugs, such as the narcotic painkiller Demerol®, and altering them slightly (even by one or two atoms) to produce closely related analogues (molecules with very similar chemical structures). The idea behind this illegal synthesis was to create a “designer drug” that was hundreds or thousands of times more potent than the original legal drug. For a few hundred dollars in chemicals and lab supplies, drug makers and dealers could produce literally millions of dollars’ worth of illegal drugs.Also, since the chemical structure of the drug had been altered slightly, it was still perfectly legal