The Behavioural Ecology of Parasites


مشرف منتدى الأحياء

The Behavioural Ecology of Parasites

EE.Levis,JF.Campbell and M.V.K. sukhdeo "The Behavioural Ecology of Parasites "
CABI Publishing | ISBN-0851996159 | 400 Pages | 2002-09-07 | PDF | 2.5MB

Parasites have evolved numerous complex and fascinating ways of interacting with their hosts. The subject attracts the interest of numerous biologists from the perspective of ecology and behavioral biology, as well as from those concerned with more applied aspects of parasitology. However, there has been no recent book to synthesize this field. This book fills this gap in the literature and has been written by leading authorities from the USA, Europe, Australia and New Zealand. Main topics covered include: Foraging for hosts; host acceptance and infection; interactions among parasites with the host; parasite-host interactions.


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