كتاب الانظمة الاشهر في العالم Securing SCADA Systems


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كتاب الانظمة الاشهر في العالم Securing SCADA Systems


Bestselling author Ron Krutz once again demonstrates his ability to make difficult security topics approachable with this first in-depth look at SCADA (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition) systems
Krutz discusses the harsh reality that natural gas pipelines, nuclear plants, water systems, oil refineries, and other industrial facilities are vulnerable to a terrorist or disgruntled employee causing lethal accidents and millions of dollars of damage-and what can be done to prevent this from happening
Examines SCADA system threats and vulnerabilities, the emergence of protocol standards, and how security controls can be applied to ensure the safety and security of our national infrastructure assets

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  • كتاب الانظمة الاشهر في العالم Securing SCADA Systems.txt
    462 بايت · المشاهدات: 1,325
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مع جزيل الشكر

الروابط غير شغالة ياريت احد الاخوة ممن لديه الكتاب يرفعه على احد المواقع وله الثواب والاجر.
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