برامج برنامج Sony Ericsson PC Suite 1.7.10


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برنامج Sony Ericsson PC Suite 1.7.10


The Sony Ericsson PC Suite consists of these components:

* Sony Ericsson File Manager. Allows you to browse content from the phone's file system and exchange multimedia files between the phone and the PC.
* Sony Ericsson Image Editor. Allows you to crop, zoom and rotate, and adjust colour, contrast and brightness settings for many PC image file formats that you then can send directly to your phone.
* Sony Ericsson MMS Home Studio. Allows you to create MMS templates on your PC and then download them directly to your phone.
* Sony Ericsson Mobile Networking Wizard. Helps you create dial-up networking connections on your personal computer. Now also includes an easy-connect button.
* Sony Ericsson Sync Station. Program for synchronising your Microsoft Outlook (contacts, calendar, notes and tasks), Outlook Express (contacts) or Windows Address Book with your Sony Ericsson mobile phone.

- Choose any of the following connections that are applicable for your phone: Cable, Infrared or Bluetooth connection. The Sony Ericsson File Manager application does not support Infrared connection for the following phones: T610, T610NZ, T616, T618, T630, T628, T637, Z600 and Z608.
- Windows ME, 2000 SP4, XP SP2 (Professional and Home)
- DirectX 9.0c (if not included in your OS, download it from Microsoft)

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