الرياضيات التطبيقية الرجاءالمساعدة في حل هذي المسائل

اتمنى مساعدتي في اقرب وقت

واكون شاكرتلكم:(


Consider the function

a) Find the stationary points and points of inflection of f(x

b) Determine the intervals where f(x) is increasing and where it is decreasing. Find the local extrema

c) Obtain the equations of the tangent and normal lines to thegraph of f(x)
at x = 2.

d) Find points on the graph of f(x) where the tangent line is perpendicular to the line given by : 2y+8x-7 = 0



A circle and a square are to be constructed from a piece of wire of lengh .

a) Give an expression for the total area of the square and circle formed

b) Find the radius of the circle and side of the square that make their areas equal

c) Find values of the radius of the circle and side of the square which give the largest and smallest total area

d) If instead of the circle another square is formed. Find the values of the sides of the square that yield the largest and smallest total area

اين الاقتران؟؟؟

ضعي الاقتران ...

Consider the function.....؟؟؟؟ اكملي

.....A circle and a square are to be constructed from a piece of wire of lengh???? اكملي

كم الطول

Consider the function

a) Find the stationary points and points of inflection of f(x

b) Determine the intervals where f(x) is increasing and where it is decreasing. Find the local extrema

c) Obtain the equations of the tangent and normal lines to thegraph of f(x)
at x = 2.

d) Find points on the graph of f(x) where the tangent line is perpendicular to the line given by : 2y+8x-7 = 0

اسفه ما انتبهت انها مو موجوده
هذي الاسئلة نزلتها على ملف ورود

احسن من كتابتها

وجزاك الله الف خير


  • Math.doc
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تفضلي يا اختي

الحلول بالمرفقات...في سؤال عن MATHCAD وللاسف انا ما بعرف استخدمه


  • Math.pdf
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