برنامج STM4


مشرف بكليات الهندسة
طاقم الإدارة

السلام عليكم

STM4 - the molecular visualization
STM4 is a molecular visualization toolkit built on top of AVS/Express. Its goal is not to replace existing tools, but to provide a platform on which new, advanced or unusual visualization techniques can be implemented.

رابط التحميل

موقع البرنامج
Windows PC installation

  1. Install AVS/Express V7.1.1 from your Windows distribution. Be sure to install the version that supports VC++ 7.1
  2. Make sure the following environment variables are defined: XP_ROOTpoints to the AVS/Express installation directory (here called <xp_dir>)MACHINEdefined as pc7PATH must contains <xp_dir>\bin\pc and <xp_dir>\runtime\bin\pc
  3. Copy your license file license.dat to <xp_dir> or define XP_LICENSE_SERVER as <host>:<port> (see your system manager)
  4. Check the AVS/Express installation by executing express from a command window
  5. Get the STM4 kit called CSCSlib.zip
  6. Unpack the STM4 kit using, for example, WinZip. The resulting directory will be named CSCSlib. Don't unpack under <xp_dir>! If you unpack it under C:\ skip the following two steps.
  7. Edit the go.bat (or go-viz.bat if you have AVS/Express Visualization Edition) launcher file and edit the following line: set XP_ROOT=C:\expressChanging C:\express to your AVS/Express installation directory (here called <xp_dir>)
  8. Edit the CSCSlib\avsenv file changing the CSCSlib install location (C:\CSCSlib) to yours. The affected lines starts with: MSMSSERVER and XP_PATH
  9. Execute the customized AVS/Express running go.bat
    If you have AVS/Express Visualization Edition run instead go-viz.bat
  10. The STM4 modules are under the STM4 library. Prepackaged applications are under "Full Apps" sublibrary.

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