مجموعة كتب عن التضاد الإحيائي allelopathy


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Title: Allelopathy: Chemistry and Mode of Action


Allelopathy: Chemistry and Mode of Action of Allelochemicals

Allelopathy : A Physiological Process with Ecological Implications


Book Description
This book provides the reader with relevant information about actual knowledge of the process of allelopathy, covering all aspects from the molecular to the ecological level. Special emphasis is given to the physiological and ecophysiological aspects of allelopathy. Several ecosystems are studied and methodological considerations are taken into account in several chapters. The book has been written to be useful both for Ph.D. students and for senior researchers, so the chapters include all necessary information to be read by beginners, but also include a lot of useful information and discussion for the initiated.


Cell Diagnostics: Images, Biophysical and Biochemical Processes in Allelopathy


V. V. Roshchina, S. S. Narwal, “Cell Diagnostics: Images, Biophysical and Biochemical Processes in Allelopathy”

التعديل الأخير بواسطة المشرف:
The History of Allelopathy
By R.J. Willis


Product Description​
Allelopathy is the study of the chemical interactions of plants. This concept has been known since antiquity, and first appears unambiguously in written form in about 350 B.C. in the works of Theophrastus. This book provides a detailed account of the concept of allelopathy as it has occured through the course of botanical literature from the earliest recorded writings to the modern era.

In the ancient world, the negative and positive interaction of plants was expressed within the framework of antipathy and sympathy of things. As such, antipathy and sympathy were more widely understood than generally appreciated, and indeed were assimilated in aspects of culture outside of botany and agriculture.

This book firstly addresses the question of what is allelopathy, as allelopathy is one of these unfortunate terms in ecology that has no unified definition. The book then examines the major episodes in the history of allelopathy: the writings from classical Greece and Rome; mediaeval Arabic, Indian and Chinese work; the advent of printing and promulgation of information in the 16th and 17th centuries; the 18th century and the theory of root excretion; the 19th century and the influence of A.P. de Candolle; the early 20th century and the work of Pickering and the USDA Bureau of Soils; and the years leading to the current era.

The work draws extensively on original sources, and consequently many of the assertions published in relation to the background of allelopathy, are shown to be incorrect, or at best very inadequate. There is a great deal of information presented, in a consolidated or accessible form, for the first time. The book endeavours to set the history of allelopathy within both a scientific and sociological context.
التعديل الأخير بواسطة المشرف:
Allelopathy in Sustainable Agriculture and Forestry


Simply put, allelopathy refers to an ecological phenomenon of plant-plant interference through release of organic chemicals (allelochemicals) in the environment. These chemicals can be directly and continuously released by the donor plants in their immediate environment as volatiles in the air or root exudates in soil or they can be the microbial degradation products of plant residues. The chemicals may interfere with survival and growth of neighboring or succeeding plants. Black walnut, eucalyptus, sunflower, sorghum, sesame and alfalfa are common examples of plants with allelopathic property as well as some staple crops such as rice, wheat, barley and sorghum. Plants can emit chemicals that also discourage insects and pathogens. To maintain sustained productivity, knowledge of this form of plant interference on other plants and on disease causing organisms has been used in agriculture since prehistoric time by manipulating cropping pattern and sequence such as mixed cropping and crop rotation. However, use of numerous agrochemicals including a wide range of herbicides, pesticides, fertilizers and genetically modified high yielding crops has become the characteristic feature of modern industrial agriculture. Not only the sustainability of crop yield is called into question in this form of agriculture, the extensive long-term and often irreversible environmental degradation including ground water contamination and food safety associated with industrial agriculture are now of serious concern worldwide.

The objective is to report on the latest advances in allelopathy by inviting leading scientists to contribute in specific fields. The volume is organized under three major subsections: History of allelopathy, Allelochemicals, allelopathic mechanisms, and bioassays, and Application of allelopathy in agriculture and forestry. An emphasis is place on methodology and application, making it a truly practical reference.
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Allelopathy : A Physiological Process with Ecological Implications

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