plz some help ::on::WiMAX Module for ns-2 Simulator under Linux redhut ent.5


New Member
plz some bady help me
i doing my Bsc project on Wimax and i have module on ns-2
this WiMAX Module for ns-2 Simulator is post on this page
i use linux (redhat enterprise) with NS-2.33
i do all instructions , but when i am doing last one ( make )
this error is show :
[eng@localhost ns-2.33]$ make
g++ -c -Wall -DTCP_DELAY_BIND_ALL -DNO_TK -DTCLCL_CLASSINSTVAR -DNDEBUG -DLINUX_TCP_HEADER -DUSE_SHM -DHAVE_LIBTCLCL -DHAVE_TCLCL_H -DHAVE_LIBOTCL1_13 -DHAVE_OTCL_H -DHAVE_LIBTK8_4 -DHAVE_TK_H -DHAVE_LIBTCL8_4 -DHAVE_TCL_H -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DNS_DIFFUSION -DSMAC_NO_SYNC -DCPP_NAMESPACE=std -DUSE_SINGLE_ADDRESS_SPACE -Drng_test -I. -I. -I/home/eng/ns-allinone-2.33/tclcl-1.19 -I/home/eng/ns-allinone-2.33/otcl -I/home/eng/ns-allinone-2.33/include -I/home/eng/ns-allinone-2.33/include -I/usr/include/pcap -I./tcp -I./sctp -I./common -I./link -I./queue -I./adc -I./apps -I./mac -I./mobile -I./trace -I./routing -I./tools -I./classifier -I./mcast -I./diffusion3/lib/main -I./diffusion3/lib -I./diffusion3/lib/nr -I./diffusion3/ns -I./diffusion3/filter_core -I./asim/ -I./qs -I./diffserv -I./satellite -I./wpan -o common/packet.o common/
common/ conflicting declaration ‘char** p_info::name_’
common/packet.h:326: error: ‘p_info::name_’ has a previous declaration as ‘char* p_info::name_ [76]’
common/ error: declaration of ‘char* p_info::name_ [76]’ outside of class is not definition
common/ error: ‘unsigned int p_info::nPkt_’ is not a static member of ‘class p_info’
common/ error: expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before ‘*’ token
common/ error: no ‘int p_info::addPacket(char*)’ member function declared in class ‘p_info’
common/ In member function ‘int p_info::addPacket(char*)’:
common/ error: ‘nPkt_’ was not declared in this scope
common/ error: ‘initName’ was not declared in this scope
common/ error: ‘nPkt_’ was not declared in this scope
common/ error: ‘initName’ was not declared in this scope
make: *** [common/packet.o] Error 1
[eng@localhost ns-2.33]$
what shold i do .................?:S