كتاب النباتات والاعشاب الطبية Constituents of Medicinal Plants


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كتاب النباتات الطبية Constituents of Medicinal Plants


Constituents of Medicinal Plants: An introduction to the chemistry and therapeutics of herbal medicine
ISBN: 0851998070|Author: Kerry Bone|Publisher: CABI Publishing

Easy to understand introduction to the chemistry of medicinal plants
Includes over 100 diagrams
Refers to original research studies and clinical trials
Refers to plants commonly used by herbalists throughout Europe, North America and Australasia

During recent years herbal medicine has become an increasingly scientifically based system of healing. Due to demands from both the public and medical establishments, studies leading to the scientific explanation of plant therapeutic capabilities are allowing this practice to gain increasing credibility and acceptance within the medical community.

This book provides an introduction to the complex area of plant constituents and the therapeutic activities associated with them.

Main Contents

Introduction to phytochemistry
Polyphenols-tannins and flavonoids
Triterpenoids and saponins
Essential oils and resins
Fixed oils and alkamides

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( تم إضافة رابط شغال بتارخ 19/5/2008)

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  • كتاب النباتات الطبية Constituents of Medicinal Plants.txt
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