مشرف قسم العلاج الطبيعي
Clinical exercise testing
Clinical exercise testing (European Respiratory Monograph)

Clinical exercise testing
European Respiratory Monograph
European Respiratory Society (ERS)
Editors S. Ward, P. Palange
Published july 2007
234 pages pdf file
Cardiopulmonary exercise testing has played an increasing role in clinical practice in order to assess functional capability of patients, suffering from a variety of disorders. This book provides clinically oriented state-of-the-art reviews, based on current scientific knowledge, and offers a wellbalanced
perspective of clinical exercise testing and an overview of the full diagnostic potential of exercise testing in order to establish this testing procedure in the clinical decision-making process.
Determinants of the physiological systems responses to muscular exercise in healthy subjects
Discriminating features of responses in cardiopulmonary exercise testing
Patterns of cardiopulmonary response to exercise in lung diseases
Patterns of response diagnostic for cardiac disease
Equipment, measurements and quality control in clinical exercise testing
Laboratory tests
Walking for the assessment of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Reference values in adults
Exercise testing in children with respiratory diseases
Exercise testing in the prognostic evaluation of patients with lung and heart diseases
Role of exercise testing in defining the response to interventions in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients
Indications for exercise testing: a critical perspective