Semiconducting Polymers: Chemistry, Physics, and Engineering by Hadziioannou & van Hutten


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Semiconducting Polymers: Chemistry, Physics, and Engineering by Hadziioannou & van Hutten

Semiconducting Polymers: Chemistry, Physics, and Engineering by Hadziioannou & van Hutten
Publisher: Wiley-VCH | ISBN: 3527295070 | 2000 | Pages: 613 | djvu | 9.2 MB

" up-to-date work on polymer electronics.... It could enable a researcher to learn about the latest areas of research in the exciting and promising field of plastic electronics." (IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine, Vol. 17, No. 6, November/December 2001)

The field of semiconducting polymers has attracted many researchers from a diversity of disciplines. While, on the one hand, some of the foreseen applications are already being realized in industrial products, there is, on the other hand, still a deficient knowledge of the basic phenomena. Many of our insights derive from the pioneering studies of conducting polymers in the 1980's. Whereas conjugated polymers in their conducting (doped) form have seen limited practical use so far, the potential of semiconducting polymers looks enormous. For the latter, the processibility requirements for device fabrication can be more easily met. This book describes the various approaches taken by prominent researchers in the fields of synthetic chemistry, physical chemistry, engineering, computational chemistry, theoretical physics, and applied physics to understand and control the properties of these fascinating molecular materials. From amazon.

Table of contents
Poly(arylene vinylene)s - Synthesis and Applications in Semiconductor Devices (M. Murray & A. Holmes). Oligo- and Poly(phenylene)s (U. Scherf & K. Mullen) Disorder and Solitons in Trans-Polyacetylene (J. Knoester & M. Mostovoy). Gas Phase to Solid State Evolution of the Electronic and Optical Properties of Conjugated Chains: A Theoretical Investigation (J. Cornil, et al.). Electronic Structure of Surfaces and Interfaces in Conjugated Polymers (M. Lugdlund & W. Salaneck). Electronic Structure and Energy Transfer in Solid alpha-Sexithienyl (C. Taliani, et al.). Spectroscopy of Photoexcitations in Conjugated Polymers (P. Lane, et al.). Photophysics of Methyl-Substituted Poly (para-Phenylene)-Type Ladder Polymers (G. Lanzani, et al.). Solid-State Aspects of Conjugated Semiconductors (W. Graupner, et al.). Lasing in Conjugated Polymers (U. Lemmer, et al.). Physics of Polymer Light-Emitting Diodes (I. Campbell & D. Smith). Charge Transport in Random Organic Semiconductors (H. Bssler). The Chemistry, Physics and Engineering of Organic Light-Emitting Diodes (J. Scott & G. Malliaras) Physics of Organic Field-Effect Transistors (G. Horowitz). Conjugated Polymer Based Plastic Solar Cells (C. Brabec & N. Sariciftci). A Model Oligomer Approach to Semiconducting Polymers (P. van Hutten & G. Hadziioannou). Index. 1999 - Hadziioannou & van Hutten.djvu.html

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