Reference Book on Chemical Engineering ~ Volume 1


مستشار كلية العلوم النهرالخالد
طاقم الإدارة
Reference Book on Chemical Engineering(مهم لكل من يعمل فى مجال الكيمياء)

Reference Book on Chemical Engineering ~ Volume 1
D. Sen.

A Chemical Engineer needs to know not only the inside changes in a Production
Process viz. Chemical, Physical, Thermochemical, Thermodynamics and Kinetics, but
also he has to know the basics of other engineering disciplines as well as current
developments. During my long service period in Production, Process Design and Projects,
I found most of these information are available at different sources and is not always
possible to acquire this information always. 'Ib meet these gaps, I have given as much
information as possible in Volume I and Volume II of this book on various processes, data
tables, some unit operations etc. usually required by Professional Chemical Engineers
and Chemical Engg. students. In addition, a chapter on Glossary of Terms has a]so been
provided for refreshing the essential information un chemistry and other topics.
In preparation of this "Reference Book on Chemical Engineering" some senior
engineers working in chemical industries have extended support in preparation of some
chap~n; ; ip particular 1 like to thank K. OM Ex. ED, KRIBHCO, Hazirll; D.K Roy,
Ex. GM, Namrup Fertiliser Unit; KP. Sinha, ~r. Development Engineer, DCL, Professor
U.P. Ganguly, Retired, Chern. Engg. Deptt., Lr~T. Kharagpur had reviewed this book.
The index for words had been provided. The author also likes to thank Ms. B. Sen for
secretarial assistance in preparation of the manuscript..
Kolkata D.SEN

Preface (uii)
1. Fertilisers 1
2. Heat Transfer 25
3. Pulp and Paper 37
4. ehlor Alkali Industry 45
5. Cellulosic Fibres (Rayon) 50
6. Selected Process Equipment Design 63
7. Petroleum Refinery 70
8. Active Carbon 75
9. Refrigeration 78
10. Coal Tar Chemicals 96
11. Refractory Bricks 103
12. Explosives and Detonators 107
13. Water Treatment 111
14. Metal Cleaning Process 128
15. Mangane!!le Dioxide 130
16. Wind 'furbine for Power Generation 133
17. Centrifugal Pumps 13S
18. Industrial and Town Gases 143
19. LNG Production 159
20. Products Manufactured from Benzene, Ethyl Ben2ene,
Ethylene. Ethylene Oxide, Ethanol and Others 162
21. Synthetic Iron Oxide Pigment 167
22. Dyes, Intermediates and Dyeing 170
23. FlourCl;cent or Optical Whitening Agent (FWA) 172
24A. Flame Retardants, Halans, Fire AlarmsIHydrants
and Rubber and Expanded Plastics 174
24B. Float Glass , Carbon Black, Electrophoresis, Dry Ice
and Technological Development in Iron and Steel Industry
and Electrolytic Chlorinator 179
25. Ceramic Colouring Materials 185
26. Glass Fibres for Insulation and Other Uses 187
27. Plastics 190
28. Flocculation 195
29. Phosphoric Acid 198
30. Electroplating Process 207
3J. Couling Towers 212
32. Paints and Painting 217
33. Biogas Plant (Domestic Use) 223
34. Sugars 225
35. Phenols for Disinfection 230
36. Ferrous Alloys 232
37. High Carbon Charge Chrome 234
38. Characteristics of Valves Used in Chemical Process Industry 236
39. Boiler Feed Pumps and Standard Values for Boiler Feed
and Circulating Water 237
40. Crystallizer Classification 240
4J. Brief on Offshore Oil Exploration and Transportation Pipeline 242
42. Insecticide or Pesticide 243
43. Critical Path Method WPM) 254
44. Psychrometry 255
45. Glasses and Textile Glass Fibres 258
46. Environment and Pollution Air and Water 260
47. Vegetable Oil Refining 275
48. Furfural 282
49. Polyethylene Terephthalate Resin (Bottle Grade) 285
50. Process Evaluation of a Chemical Plant 288
51. Detail Project Cost Estimation 298
52. Types of Contract 307
53. Project Financial Management 309
54. ISO.90oo Series Quality Assurance System 320
55. Conversion Factors 328
Index 336
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