سلسلة كتب Mathematics in Context


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Mathematics in Context


Mathematics in Context: Facts and Factors

Encycbrita, "Mathematics in Context: Facts and Factors"
Holt McDougal | 2006 | ISBN: 0030385644 | 66 pages | PDF | 2,6 MB

Dear Student,
The numbers we use today are widely
used by people all over the world.
This might surprise you since there
are about 190 independent countries in the world, speaking over
5,000 different languages! This was not always the case. In the
unit Facts and Factors, you will investigate how ancient civilizations
wrote numbers and performed number computations. Looking into
the past will help you make more
sense of the way you write and
compute with numbers. You will
look into other numbering
systems in use today.
You will investigate some properties of digital photographs. By doing
so, you will learn more about the properties of numbers. How many
different pairs of numbers can you multiply to find a product of 36?
How about for a product of 51 or 53? You will expand your
understanding of all the real numbers.
We hope you enjoy this unit.

Mathematics in Context: Second Chance

Mathematics in Context: Second Chance

Encycbrita, "Mathematics in Context: Second Chance"
Holt McDougal | 2006 | ISBN: 003038558X | 56 pages | PDF | 2,9 MB

Dear Student
One thing is for sure: Our lives are full of uncertainty. We are not
certain what the weather tomorrow will be or if we are going to win
a game. Perhaps the game is not even fair!
In this unit you learn to count possibilities in smart ways and to do
experiments about chance. You will also simulate and compute
chances. What is the chance that a family with four children has four
girls? How likely is it that the next child in the family will be another
girl? You will learn to adjust the scoring for games to make them fair.
Sometimes information from surveys can be recorded in tables and
used to make chance statements.
Chance is one way to help us measure uncertainty. Chance plays
a role in decisions that we make and what we do in our lives! It is
important to understand how chance works!
We hope you enjoy the unit!
The Mathematics in Context Development Team

Mathematics in Context: Models You Can Count on

Mathematics in Context: Models You Can Count on

Encycbrita, "Mathematics in Context: Models You Can Count on"
Holt McDougal | 2006 | ISBN: 0030385784 | 74 pages | PDF | 2,8 MB

Dear Student,
Welcome to the unit Models You Can Count On.
Math students today can no longer be comfortable merely doing
pencil and paper computations. Advances in technology make it more
important for you to do more than perform accurate computations.
Today, it is important for you to make sense of number operations. You
need to be able solve problems with the use of a calculator, confident
that your result is accurate. When shopping in a store, you need to be
able to estimate on the spot to make sure you are getting the best
deal and that the cash register is working properly.
In this unit, you will look at different number models to help you
improve your understanding of how numbers work. You will examine
various recipes that could be used to feed large groups of people. You
will consider how students can share garden plots. You will observe
computer screens during a program installation. You will make sense
of signs along a highway or bike trail. In each situation, a special model
will help you make sense of the situation. You will learn to use these
models and count on them to solve any problem!
We hope you enjoy this unit.
The Mathematics in Context Development Team

Mathematics in Context: It's All the Same

Mathematics in Context: It's All the Same

Encycbrita, "Mathematics in Context: It's All the Same"
Holt McDougal | 2006 | ISBN: 0030385679 | 64 pages | PDF | 3 MB

Dear Student,
Did you ever want to know the height of a tree that you could
not climb? Do you ever wonder how people estimate the width
of a river?
Have you ever investigated designs
made with triangles?
In this Mathematics in Context unit,
It’s All The Same, you will explore
geometric designs called tessellations. You will arrange triangles
in different patterns, and you will measure lengths and compare
angles in your patterns. You will also explore similar triangles and
use them to find distances that you cannot measure directly.
As you work through the problems in this unit, look for tessellations
in your home and in your school. Look for situations where you can
use tessellations and similar triangles to find lengths, heights, or
other distances. Describe these situations in a notebook and share
them with your class. Have fun exploring triangles, similarity, and
The Mathematics in Context Development Team

Mathematics in Context: Building Formulas

Mathematics in Context: Building Formulas

Encycbrita, "Mathematics in Context: Building Formulas"
Holt McDougal | 2006 | ISBN: 0030385598 | 64 pages | PDF | 4,4 MB

Dear Student,
Welcome to Building Formulas.
Throughout this unit, you will study many kinds of formulas.
You will learn to identify the parts that make up a formula and create
your own formulas. You will help with the construction of a movie
set by creating a formula for determining the numbers of blue and
white tiles and metal rods needed.
Do you know how to find the area of
a lichen, a fungus that grows nearly
everywhere? Scientists use the size
of a lichen to calculate how long ago
a glacier disappeared.
You will also work with formulas that someone else created,
such as a formula for converting from degrees Celsius to
degrees Fahrenheit and formulas that archaeologists use
to re-create ancient Egyptian drawings.
Upon completing this unit, you should understand the
meanings of the different parts of a formula, how to
graph formulas, how to rewrite formulas, and how to
use formulas that you find.
The Mathematics in Context Development Team

Mathematics in Context: Ups and Downs

Mathematics in Context: Ups and Downs

Encycbrita, "Mathematics in Context: Ups and Downs"
Holt McDougal | 2006 | ISBN: 0030385768 | 58 pages | PDF | 2,9 MB

Dear Student,
Welcome to Ups and Downs. In this unit, you will look at situations
that change over time, such as blood pressure or the tides of an
ocean. You will learn to represent these changes using tables,
graphs, and formulas.
Graphs of temperatures and tides show up-and-down movement,
but some graphs, such as graphs for tree growth or melting ice,
show only upward or only downward movement.
As you become more familiar with graphs and the changes that
they represent, you will begin to notice and understand graphs
in newspapers, magazines, and advertisements.
During the next few weeks, look for graphs and statements about
growth, such as “Fast-growing waterweeds in lakes become a
problem.” Bring to class interesting graphs and newspaper articles
and discuss them.
Telling a story with a graph can help you understand the story.
The Mathematics in Context Development Team

Mathematics in Context: Looking at an Angle

Mathematics in Context: Looking at an Angle

Encycbrita, "Mathematics in Context: Looking at an Angle"
Holt McDougal | 2006 | ISBN: 0030385695 | 72 pages | PDF | 4 MB

Dear Student,
Welcome to Looking at an Angle!
In this unit, you will learn about vision lines and blind areas. Have
you ever been on one of the top floors of a tall office or apartment
building? When you looked out the window, were you able to see the
sidewalk directly below the building? If you could see the sidewalk, it
was in your field of vision; if you could not see the sidewalk, it was in
a blind spot.
The relationship between vision lines and
rays of light and the relationship between
blind spots and shadows are some of the
topics that you will explore in this unit.
Have you ever noticed how the length
of a shadow varies according to the time
of day? As part of an activity, you will
measure the length of the shadow of a
stick and the corresponding angle of the
sun at different times of the day. You will
then determine how the angle of the sun
affects the length of a shadow.
Besides looking at the angle of the sun, you
will also study the angle that a ladder makes
with the floor when it is leaning against a wall
and the angle that a descending hang glider
makes with the ground. You will learn two
different ways to identify the steepness of an
object: the angle the object makes with the
ground and the tangent of that angle.
We hope you enjoy discovering the many ways of “looking at
an angle.”
The Mathematics in Context Development Team

Mathematics in Context: Triangles and Beyond

Mathematics in Context: Triangles and Beyond

Encycbrita, "Mathematics in Context: Triangles and Beyond"
Holt McDougal | 2006 | ISBN: 003039628X | 72 pages | PDF | 3 MB

Dear Student,
Welcome to Triangles and Beyond.
Pythagoras, a famous mathematician,
scientist, and philosopher, lived in
Greece about 2,500 years ago.
Pythagoras described a way of
constructing right angles. In this
unit, you will learn about the
Pythagorean theorem and how
you can use this theorem to find
the length of sides of right triangles.
In this unit, there are many
investigations of triangles and
quadrilaterals and their special
geometric properties.
You will study the properties of parallel lines and learn the
differences between parallelograms, rectangles, rhombuses,
and squares.
As you study this unit, look around you to see how the geometric
shapes and properties you are studying appear in everyday
objects. Does the shape of a picture change when you change
its orientation on the wall from vertical to horizontal? How are
parallel lines constructed? This unit will help you understand the
properties of shapes of objects.
The Mathematics in Context Development Team


Mathematics in Context: Packages and Polygons

Mathematics in Context: Packages and Polygons

Encycbrita, "Mathematics in Context: Packages and Polygons"
Holt McDougal | 2006 | ISBN: 0030396328 | 66 pages | PDF | 3 MB

Dear Student,
Welcome to the unit Packages and Polygons.
Have you ever wondered why certain
items come in differently shaped
packages? The next time you are in a
grocery store, look at how things are
packaged. Why do you think table
salt comes in a cylindrical package?
Which packages do you think are the
most practical?
Geometric shapes are everywhere. Look at the skyline of a big city.
Can you see different shapes? Why do you think some buildings are
built using one shape and some using another?
In this unit, you will explore a variety of two- and three-dimensional
shapes and learn how they are related. You will build models of these
shapes using heavy paper, or straws and pipe cleaners, or gumdrops
and toothpicks. As you work through the unit, notice the shapes of
objects around you.
Think about how the ideas you are learning in class apply to those
We hope you enjoy your investigations into packages and polygons.
The Mathematics in Context Development Team


Mathematics in Context: Dealing with Data

Mathematics in Context: Dealing with Data

Encycbrita, "Mathematics in Context: Dealing with Data"
Holt McDougal | 2006 | ISBN: 0030385660 | 66 pages | PDF | 5,8 MB

Dear Student,
How big is your hand? Do you think
it is bigger than, smaller than, or the
same size as most people’s hands?
How can you find out?
How fast does a cheetah run? Do you think it runs much faster than,
a little faster than, or at about the same speed as other animals?
How can you find out?
Do tall people have tall children?
How can you find out?
In the Mathematics in Context unit Dealing with Data, you will
examine questions like these and learn how to answer them. By
collecting and examining data, you can answer questions that are
interesting and often important.
While you are working through this unit, think of your own questions
that you can answer by collecting and examining data. One of the
best uses of mathematics is to help you answer questions you find
The Mathematics in Context Development Team

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