الرياضيات التطبيقية Numerical Modeling of Water Waves, Second Edition


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السلام عليكم

Numerical Modeling of Water Waves, Second Edition

Numerical Modeling of Water Waves
Taylor & Francis; 2nd edition | April 16, 2007 | ISBN: 0520062698 | 206 pages | PDF | 10 Mb

The second edition of a bestseller, this book discusses the numerical methods for modeling water waves and their applications. This book describes methods developed primarily at the Los Alamos National Laboratory within the last forty years. It explains data on basic fluid dynamics associated with water waves and also addresses advanced techniques for modeling. It provides numerical modeling of the largest historical tsunami wave recorded. Also included is a CD-ROM with FORTRAN codes of numerical methods for water wave modeling, and tsunami wave generation, propagation and flooding. Includes animations of many of the solved problems using these codes.

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