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Fish Physiology: Sensory Systems and Electric Organs
William Stewart Hoar, "Fish Physiology: Sensory Systems and Electric Organs"
Academic Pr | 1971-06 | ISBN: 0123504058 | 600 pages | PDF | 10,3 MB
Academic Pr | 1971-06 | ISBN: 0123504058 | 600 pages | PDF | 10,3 MB
This Volume is concerned with sensory systems and some aspects of function of the central nervous system. Sensory systems have been extensively studied in fish not only because of a wide general interest in the behavioral and sensory physiology of this group but also because, in many instances, fish are technically suitable for general studies of sensory systems and have certain receptors not present in other groups. Electroreceptors fall into this category; these receptors are unique to fishes, and studies of this system have application to receptor function in general.
Electric organs, an effector rather than receptor system, are discussed in this volume because of the functional relationships between electroreception and electric organ discharge. The Mauthner neuron which is another system studied both to increase understanding of neuronal organization in fish and because the Mauthner cell constitutes a useful preparation for studying synaptic function and the integration of activity in neuronal networks in general is discussed in another chapter.
Neurophysiology, particularly sensory physiology, is a very active area of biology. The chapters in this volume, perhaps more than in other volumes, can only present a summary of the present state of science in this rapidly expanding and developing field. We hope that this volume reflects some of the excitement and activity in sensory physiology and will be a useful introduction to students in this area of biology.