Maths for Chemists: Numbers, Functions and Calculus Vol 1 , VOL2


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السلام عليكم

الى احبتنا طلبة الكيمياء الاعزاء اليكم هذا الكتاب القيم والمهم والضروري لكل باحث في مجال الكيمياء .. لابد لك من اجراء العمليات الحسابية على بياناتك المختلفة.. .. هذا الكتاب مرشدك الامين لاجراء هذه العمليات وفق اسس رياضية رصينة

Maths for Chemists: Numbers, Functions and Calculus Vol 1 (Tutorial Chemistry Texts)


COCKETT M, G. Doggett, "Maths for Chemists: Numbers, Functions and Calculus Vol 1 (Tutorial Chemistry Texts)"
Royal Society of Chemistry | 2003-09-17 | ISBN: 0854046771 | 192 pages | PDF | 24,6 MB

The two volumes of "Maths for Chemists" provide a resource for all undergraduate chemistry students and are particularly focused on the needs of students who may not have studied mathematics beyond GCSE level (or equivalent). The texts are introductory in nature and adopt a sympathetic approach for students who need support and understanding in working with the diverse mathematical tools required in a typical chemistry degree course. The early chapters of the text provide a succinct introduction to the important mathematical skills of algebraic manipulation, trigonometry, numbers, functions, units and the general grammar of maths. Later chapters build on these basic mathematical principles as a foundation for the development of differential and integral calculus. In spite of the introductory nature of this volume, some of the more important mathematical tools required in quantum chemistry are deliberately included, through a gradual introduction to, and development of, the concept of the eigenvalue problem.

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Maths for Chemists Vol 2: Power Series, Complex Numbers and Linear Algebra (Tutorial Chemistry Texts)


Martin C.R. Cockett, Graham Doggett, "Maths for Chemists Vol 2: Power Series, Complex Numbers and Linear Algebra (Tutorial Chemistry Texts)"
Royal Society of Chemistry | 2003-10-21 | ISBN: 0854044957 | 200 pages | PDF | 29,5 MB

The two volumes of "Maths for Chemists" provide a resource for all undergraduate chemistry students, but are particularly focused on the needs of students who may not have studied mathematics beyond GCSE level (or equivalent). The texts are introductory in nature and adopt a sympathetic approach for students who need support and understanding in working with the diverse mathematical tools required in a typical chemistry degree course. Volume II builds on the foundations laid in Volume I, and goes on to develop more advanced material. The topics covered include: power series, which are used to formulate alternative representations of functions and are important in model building in chemistry; complex numbers and complex functions, which appear in quantum chemistry, spectroscopy and crystallography; matrices and determinants used in the solution of sets of simultaneous linear equations and in the representation of geometrical transformations used to describe molecular symmetry characteristics; and vectors which allow the description of directional properties of molecules.

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