Microbial Ecology of Food Commodities: Microorganisms in Foods


مشرف منتدى الأحياء
Microorganisms in Foods 6: Microbial Ecology of Food Commodities (Microorganisms in Foods)
By International Commission on Microbiological Specifications of Foods (ICMSF)


Publisher: Springer
Number Of Pages: 736
Publication Date: 2005-07-01
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 030648675X
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780306486753

Product Description:

The second edition of Microorganisms in Foods 6: Microbial Ecology of Food Commodities is for those primarily interested in applied aspects of food microbiology. For 17 commodity areas, it describes the initial microbial flora and the prevalence of pathogens, the microbiological consequences of processing, typical spoilage patterns, episodes implicating those commodities with foodborne illness, and measures to control pathogens and limit spoilage. Those control measures are presented in a standardized format in line with international developments in risk management; a comprehensive index has also been added in this fully revised and much-anticipated edition.

Summary: I would like to learn contents from book
Rating: 4

To Whom It may consern I would like to buy this book. Therefore I have need some ýnformation it. If you could give a knowledge this book which contents and index, I will be very happy.For Example: As you know that ICMSF,1986, Microorganizms in Foods vol 2. Samling for Microbiological Analysýs, Principles and Spesific Application for Foods. 2 nd. edn. University of Toronto Press. This book is very useful for working Turkish codex. But I have'nt got all of the copy it. With best regards Betul Faika SONMEZ Agricultural Engineer and Food Technology Chief of Food Control Primary Health Care Ministry Of Health Ankara/ Turkey e-mail: bsonmez@saglik.gov.tr e-mail: betulsonmez@usa.net

Summary: I have need documents , microbiolojical criteria on foodstuf
Rating: 3

to whom it may conserns,I have been worked in the Ministry of Health the department of Food Safety .I'm chief of food control. I have prepared and studied workshop about Microbiolojical criteria on foodstufs for the food Turkish legislation. Therefore I have need some document about these. Can you lead to me please. Thans a lot for your help. With best regards. Betul Faýka Sonmez Agricýltural Engineer and Food Technolojiest Chief of Food Control Ministry of Health


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