The Measurement of Roundwood: Methodologies and Conversion Ratios


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الكتاب الاتي يوضح الاليات المتبعة في قياس عمر الاشجار
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The Measurement of Roundwood: Methodologies and Conversion Ratios


M. A. Fonseca - The Measurement of Roundwood: Methodologies and Conversion Ratios (Cabi Publishing)
Pages:288 | PDF | Cab Intl (2. Februar 2006) | ISBN 0851990797 | 1.7 MB

"The author has done an admirable job of systematically summarising a plethora of information on measuring roundwood. This comprehensive volume is sure to be invaluable to students and practitioners in forestry and forest products industries." Harold E Burkhart, Virginia Tech, USA "This book is for anyone connected with the forestry profession, but especially for the student and the practitioner who must assimilate the bewildering arroy of measures and conversions that form the core of the practice. The clearly illustrated examples will ease the job of assimilating the intricacies of forestry measurements and serve as an irreplaceable reference throughout a career." Henry Spelter, Economist, US Forest Service"

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