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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
إخوتي إني أحتاج هذه الكتب بشكل عاجل
Industrial chemistry
Austins sherve and Brink,chemicalprocess Industries
Riegels Hand book of Industrial chemistry (Kent Editor)
Kirk-Othmer encyclopedia of chemical Technology(18 volumes)
white ,Introduction to idustrial chemistry
Chenir ,survy of Industrialchemistry
Austins sherve and Brink,chemicalprocess Industries
Riegels Hand book of Industrial chemistry (Kent Editor)
Kirk-Othmer encyclopedia of chemical Technology(18 volumes)
white ,Introduction to idustrial chemistry
Chenir ,survy of Industrialchemistry
Inorganic chemistry
Inorganic chemistry books (Cotton and Wilkinsor)"advanced Inorganic chemistry",John Wilay,2rd.ed(1980
Pass and sutcliff,"Practical Inorganic chemistry",2rd.ed.champan and Hall.(1974)
Lambert and Muir,"Practical chemistry" ,3rd.ed.H.HS,(1974)
Inorganic chemistry books (Cotton and Wilkinsor)"advanced Inorganic chemistry",John Wilay,2rd.ed(1980
Pass and sutcliff,"Practical Inorganic chemistry",2rd.ed.champan and Hall.(1974)
Lambert and Muir,"Practical chemistry" ,3rd.ed.H.HS,(1974)
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