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Electrical Properties of Polymers
المؤلف: Evaristo Riande, Ricardo Diaz-Calleja,
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Editorial Reviews
Part III … presents very interesting and useful information in four areas of great current interest, specifically liquid-crystalline materials, piezo-electric and pyroelectric polymers, materials with nonlinear optical properties, and conducting polymers. Each chapter provides a good set of references, many chapters offer problems (with solutions), and several have extensive appendices. … It is certainly a pleasure to recommend this very scholarly book to the polymer community.
- Chemical Engineering Progress
This book offers a systematic and cohesive study of the electrical properties of polymers.
- Polymer News, August 2005
[T]his book is loaded with theoretical equations and [has] … experimental data on the dielectric response properties of various polymers over a range of temperatures. … [T]his book would be suitable for researchers who measure the dielectric response characteristics of polymers or as a supplemental text in a graduate course in materials science or electrical engineering.
- IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine
[T]his book is loaded with theoretical equations and…experimental data on the dielectric response properties of various polymers over a range of temperatures. …Suitable for researchers who measure the dielectric response characteristics of polymers or as a supplemental text in a graduate course in materials science or electrical engineering.
- IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine
Product Description
Electrical Properties of Polymers describes the electric phenomena responsible for determining the chemical and supramolecular structure of polymers and polymeric materials. The authors explore the properties of quasi-static dipoles, reviewing Brownian motion, Debye theory, Langevin and Smoluchowski equations, and the Onsager model. This reference displays Maxwell and entropy equations, along with several others, that depict the thermodynamics of dielectric relaxation. Featuring end-of-chapter problems and useful appendices, the book reviews molecular dynamics simulations of dynamic dielectric properties and inspects mean-square dipole moments of gases, liquids, polymers, and fixed conformations.