اريد المساعدة فى ايجاد هذة الكتب مع توضيح كلمة password


السلام عليكم ورحمة اللة وبركاتة اريد المساعدة فى الحصول على هذة الكتب
the systematic identification of the organic compounds
chemical separation principles teqniques experiments
UV-IR spectra pharmaceutical substances
encyclopedia of spectroscopy and spectrometry
Levive in molecular spectroscopy (wiley 1975
UV and visible spectroscopy chemical applications
مع توضيح كلمة password
او ازاى نفتح الملف بعد تحميلة
وجزاكم اللة خير الجزاء وبارك فيكم
اخوكم فى اللة
الاول هنا

The Systematic Identification of Organic Compounds

by Ralph L. Shriner (Author), Christine K. F. Hermann (Author), Terence C. Morrill (Author), David Y. Curtin (Author), Reynold C. Fuson


Book Description
Dedicated to qualitative organic chemistry, this book explains how to identify organic compounds through step-by-step instructions. Topics include elemental analysis, solubility, infrared, nuclear magnetic resonance and mass spectra; classification tests; and preparation of a derivative. Most directions for experiments are described in micro or mini scales. Discusses chromatography, distillations and the separation of mixtures. Questions and problems emphasize the skills required in identifying unknown samples.

Book Info
Text provides an overview of qualitative organic chemistry. Includes new material, photographs, and chapter problems. For students.

Product Details

Hardcover: 736 pages
Publisher: Wiley; 8 edition
(August 19, 2004)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0471215031
ISBN-13: 978-0471215035
Product Dimensions: 10.9 x 8.2 x 1.6 inches
Shipping Weight: 3.4 pounds

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شكرا جزيلا اخى العزيز بورك فيك وجزاك اللة عنا خير الجزاء وجعلة اللة فى ميزان حسناتك ولكن اخى الكتاب الاول بتاع systenmatic identification of organic compounds بعد ما حملتة
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