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ارجو المساعدة لاجاد كتاب يشرح طريقة iteration لحل المعادلات التكامليةمن النوع (volterra and fredholm)

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اليك بعض الكتب التي قد تنفعك

Analytical and Numerical Methods for Volterra Equations

Peter Linz “Analytical and Numerical Methods for Volterra Equations"
Society for Industrial Mathematics | 1987-01-01 | ISBN: 0898711983 | 240 pages | PDF | 7,5 MB

Presents an aspect of activity in integral equations methods for the solution of Volterra equations for those who need to solve real-world problems. Since there are few known analytical methods leading to closed-form solutions, the emphasis is on numerical techniques. The major points of the analytical methods used to study the properties of the solution are presented in the first part of the book. These techniques are important for gaining insight into the qualitative behavior of the solutions and for designing effective numerical methods. The second part of the book is devoted entirely to numerical methods. The author has chosen the simplest possible setting for the discussion, the space of real functions of real variables. The text is supplemented by examples and exercises.

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Hermann Brunner, /Collocation Methods for Volterra Integral and Related Functional Differential Equations/

Hermann Brunner, /Collocation Methods for Volterra Integral and Related Functional Differential Equations/
Cambridge University Press | 612 Pages | 2004-11-15 | ISBN / ASIN: 0521806151 | PDF | 2,7 MB

This is the first comprehensive introduction to collocation methods for the numerical solution of initial-value problems for ordinary differential equations, Volterra integral and integro-differential equations, and various classes of more general functional equations. It guides the reader from the "basics" to the current state-of-the-art level of the field, describes important problems and directions for future research, and highlights methods. The analysis includes numerous exercises and applications to the modelling of physical and biological phenomena.

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اليك ايضا
Integral Equations
Dover Publications | ISBN 0486648281 | 1985-03-01 | PDF | 238 pages | 12.56 MB

Authoritative, well-written basic treatment of extremely useful mathematical tool. Topics include Volterra Equations, Fredholm Equations, Symmetric Kernels and Orthogonal Systems of Functions, Types of Singular or Nonlinear Integral Equations, more. Advanced undergraduate to graduate level. Exercises. Bibliography.
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