كيمياء تحليلية كتاب Trace Metal Analysis and Speciation


مستشار كلية العلوم النهرالخالد
طاقم الإدارة
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Trace Metal Analysis and Speciation
Ira S. Krull
BooK Description
The aim of this volume is to describe the most recent advances in areas of analytical chemistry that relate to the trace determination of metals and inorganics, as well as their distribution and forms (species) present, sample dependent. Analytical approaches are described that encompass a number of separation methods, such as gas and high performance liquid chromatography, interfaced with selective and sensitive detection methods that become unique for metal species/forms present in various samples. Hyphenated techniques are emphasized, such as interfacing HPLC with plasma induced emission spectroscopy, electrochemistry, post-column reaction chemistry, etc. Each chapter describes the latest instrumental and methodology advances that utilize some form of chromatography together with element-specific detection or mass spectrometry to provide absolute identification of the specific species of a metal present in various samples.
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