برنامج الخرائط والصور الجوية Autodesk Raster Design 2006


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برنامج الخرائط والصور الجوية Autodesk Raster Design 2006




Unlock the value of scanned drawings and maps, aerial photos, satellite imagery, and digital elevation models using Autodesk® Raster Design 2006. Raster Design 2006 integrates with all AutoCAD® 2006–based applications to provide advanced vectorization, raster editing, and analysis tools. Improve decision making, enhance presentations, and make the most of your raster data.

Read the top ten reasons to buy or upgrade to Autodesk® Raster Design 2006.

1. Create High-Quality, Eye-Popping Displays with Imagery
Integrate imagery to improve your project’s appearance. Use color mapping to show different representations of your image data. Apply hill-shading and blending effects for professional presentation results.

More about this Software...and Links Search here.....
2. Use More Imagery with Expanded Raster Data Format Support
Autodesk Raster Design supports a broad range of industry-standard image formats, including DOQ, MrSID®, TIFF, ECW, JPG 2000, GIF, and 16-bit GeoTIFF. The software also supports additional types of raster data such as digital elevation models (DEMs) and multispectral imagery. This means that Landsat and 8- and 11-bit IKONOS satellite imagery are supported, in addition to imagery from numerous other vendors

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