طلب كتب عن phenolic acid


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phenolic acid

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نرجو عدم تكرار الطلب وكتابة اسم الكتاب المطلوب بلغة طلبه

وكتابة اسم الموضوع تحت عنوان طلب كتاب كذا او طلب كذا

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ربما هذا ينفع

Phenolic Compound Biochemistry


Academic Press | ISBN: 0120954400 | 4th edition (July, 2001) | 1060 pages | PDF | 88 MB

Product Description

How does the consumption of red wine reduce heart disease? How does a plant battle an invading fungus using physical and chemical defense mechanisms? How are tannins used in leather production synthesized?
These are just a few examples that illustrate the chemical diversity and use of phenolic compounds, the topic of Phenolic Compound Biochemistry.
This book is written for researchers, instructors, advanced undergraduate students and beginning graduate students in the life sciences who wish to become more familiar with these and many other intriguing aspects of phenolic compounds. Topics covered include nomenclature, chemical properties, biosynthesis, including an up-to-date overview of the genetics controlling phenolic metabolism, isolation and characterization of phenolic compounds, phenolics used in plant defense, and the impact of phenolics on human health. The book is written in an accessible style, and assumes only basic knowledge of organic chemistry, biochemistry and cell physiology. More than 300 chemical structures and reaction schemes illustrate the text.
Wilfred Vermerris is Associate Professor of Agronomy at the University of Florida Genetics Institute in Gainesville, FL. His research focuses on the genetic control of phenolic compounds that impact agro-industrial processing of crop plants.
Ralph Nicholson is Professor of Botany and Plant Pathology at Purdue University in West Lafayette, IN. He is an expert on phenolic compounds involved in the plants defense against pathogenic fungi and bacteria