Wetland Plants: Biology and Ecology


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Wetland Plants: Biology and Ecology


By Julie K. Cronk, M. Siobhan Fennessy,

Publisher: TF-CRC
Number Of Pages: 462
Publication Date: 2001-06-13
Sales Rank: 621745
ISBN / ASIN: 1566703727

A detailed account of the biology and ecology of vascular wetland plants and their applications in wetland plant science, Wetland Plants: Biology and Ecology presents a synthesis of wetland plantplant biology, plant physiology, evolution, genetics, community and population ecology, environmental science, and engineering. It contains up-to-date information for anyone planning research, writing grant proposals, or designing research protocols. Over 140 figures allow readers to visualize the concepts, and 40 tables give easy access to definitions and data. International examples provide a broad base of information.
easy reading, good reference
Scientific in nature, but still easy to read. An excellent reference for anyone beginning the study of wetlands. Includes one chapter on constructed/treatment wetlands.

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