الفيزياء الرياضية كتاب (Quantum Well Lasers(Quantum Electronics - Principles and Applications


طاقم الإدارة
السلام عليكم احبتي
Quantum Well Lasers
Quantum Electronics--Principles and Applications


يزود هذا الكتاب القارئ بالمعلومات الضرورية لفهم عمل الليزر الكمي من نوع Quantum Well
من الاليات الميكانيكية الى الربح البصري إلى التقنياتِ المستقبليةِ للأسلاكِ الكَمّية quantum wiresِ والنقاطِ الكَمّيةِ quantum dots. نظراً للأهميةِ المُتزايدةِ لليزرِ Quantum Wellهذا الكتابِ يَجِبُ أَنْ يُقْرَأَ بإهتمام شديدِ من قبل العاملين في عِلْم وتقنيةِ الليزرِ.

Quantum Well Lasers(Quantum Electronics--Principles and Applications)
by Jr., Peter S. Zory, Paul F. Liao, and Paul Kelley

Academic Press (April 1993) | ISBN: 0127818901 | 504 Pages | 12 MB PDF
This book provides the information necessary for the reader to achieve a thorough understanding of all aspects of QW lasers - from the basic mechanism of optical gain, through the current technolgoical state of the art, to the future technologies of quantum wires and quantum dots. In view of the growing importance of QW lasers, this book should be read by all those with an active interest in laser science and technology, from the advanced student to the experienced laser scientist.

* The first comprehensive book-length treatment of quantum well lasers
* Provides a detailed treatment of quantum well laser basics
* Covers strained quantum well lasers
* Explores the different state-of-the-art quantum well laser types
* Provides key information on future laser technologies

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