كيمياء فيزيائية Handbook of Surface and Interface Analysis


مشرفة بالمنتدى ملكة كتاب العرب
طاقم الإدارة
Handbook of Surface and Interface Analysis
By John C. Riviere, Sverre Myhra


  • Publisher: CRC
  • Number Of Pages: 968
  • Publication Data : 1998-01-27
  • ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0824700805
  • ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780824700805
  • Binding: Hardcover

Product Description:

Integrating the latest advances in instrumentation and methods, this hands-on resource offers a top-down approach to solving problems in surface and interface analysis;beginning with a particular problem, then explaining the most rational and efficient route to a solution. Discusses electron optical and scanned probe microscopy, high spatial resolution imaging, and synchrotron-based techniques! Emphasizing problem-solving for different classes of materials and material functions, the Handbook of Surface and Interface Analysis furnishes an introduction to problem-solving examines x-ray photoelectron, Auger electron, and ion scattering spectroscopy describes surface mass spectrometry and depth profiling analyzes ion beam effects and ion implantation addresses analysis techniques in metallurgy, microelectronics and semiconductors, minerals, ceramics, glasses , and composites presents surface specific methods for problem-solving in tribology details catalyst characterization and much more! With over 700 tables, equations, drawings, and photographs , and more than 1500 bibliographic citations, the Handbook of Surface and Interface Analysis is a practical guide for physical, surface, colloid, and analytical chemists; materials scientists; surface and interface technologists; solid-state physicists; ceramic, polymer, and metallurgical engineers; and graduate-level students in these disciplines







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