Cambridge structure database


Active Member
The CSD records bibliographic, chemical and crystallographic information for:

* organic molecules
* metal-organic compounds

whose 3D structures have been determined using

* X-ray diffraction
* neutron diffraction

The CSD records results of:

* single crystal studies
* powder diffraction studies

which yield 3D atomic coordinate data for at least all non-H atoms. In some cases the CCDC is unable to obtain coordinates, and incomplete entries are archived to the CSD
he CSD includes crystal structure data arising from:

* publications in the open literature
* Private Communications to the CSD (via direct data deposition)

The CSD does not store:

* Polypeptides and polysaccharides having more than 24 units. These are recorded in the Protein Data Bank

* Oligonucleotides. These are stored in the Nucleic Acids Data Bank

* Inorganic structures, which are stored in the Inorganic Crystal Structure Database
* Metals and Alloys, which are stored in CRYSTMET®
The Cambridge Structural Database (CSD) is distributed as part of the CSD System which includes software for:
* search and information retrieval (ConQuest)
* structure visualisation (Mercury)
* numerical analysis (Vista)
* database creation (PreQuest)
The CSD System also incorporates IsoStar, a knowledge base of intermolecular interactions, containing data derived from both the CSD and the PDB..

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I need your help to get the following book as soon as possible
Bown D (1995) Encyclopedia of herbs and their uses. Dorling Kindersley, London.
Thanks for you all
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