السلام عليكم
AstroMB is a smart astronomical database...
It's a relational database that handles astronomical images and catalogs.
It's smart because it can match images and catalogs, to do astrometry and photometry, automatically detecting the differences (intruders and variable objects).
AstroMB is also a sky charting program that can drive a telescope and communicate with 3rd party programs supporting Microsoft scripting.
AstroMB can work robotically: it can slew a telescope, take images with CCDSoftV5 or MaximDL, solve their astrometry and photometry, and automatically record in its database the variables and intruders it detects.

Alcyone Ephemeris 3.4
Planetary, Lunar, and Stellar Visibility
Bright Star Catalogue Viewer
حجم البرنامج:4MB
Alcyone Ephemeris 3.4
Alcyone Ephemeris 3.4 is an accurate and fast astronomical ephemeris calculator covering the period 3000 BC to AD 3000.
It calculates heliocentric, geocentric, and topocentric positions of the Sun (Earth), Moon, planets, minor planets, comets and fixed stars in ecliptical, equatorial, and horizontal coordinates (including angular differences between two bodies), with optional corrections for parallax and refraction; rectangular coordinates, velocity, apparent diameter, magnitude, phase, lunar libration, orbital elements, differences for all of these, and more.
In addition Alcyone Ephemeris offers a wealth of functionality: star chart generation, 3D-visualization of heliocentric and planetocentric orbits, plotting ephemeris data, searching for specific values, saving as Excel, HTML, XML or text files to export output to spreadsheets, word processors and web pages, printing, and report generation (PDF, HTML, RTF).
The ephemeris calculation is based upon Steve Moshier's analytical ephemeris using trigonometric expansions for the earth and planets and the lunar ephemeris ELP2000-85 of Chapront-Touzé and Chapront for the moon, both adjusted to Jet Propulsion Laboratory's DE404 (see www.moshier.net). There are further adjustments in Alcyone Ephemeris, some optional, to JPL's more recent DE406, the most accurate long-term ephemeris. Alcyone Ephemeris is fast. With an Athlon XP 2000+ processor, 100 calculations of geocentric longitude, latitude, and distance for the sun, moon, and all planets take about 2 seconds. A comprehensive documentation includes tabular and graphic comparisons of calculations with HORIZONS ephemeris generator. Alcyone Ephemeris is shareware and runs under Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/Vista
حجم البرنامج:46MB
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