3DClinic Professional
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3DClinic Pty Limited ("3DClinic") is a Sydney-based privately-held visual health communications company engaged in the production and commercialisation of a large proprietary digital media library and related software applications which display images, 3-D models and 3-D animations of human anatomical systems and parts in a healthy and unhealthy state.
The Company's first product 3DClinic Professional is a sophisticated educational tool designed specifically for use by doctors in communicating with patients in the clinical setting. Containing more than 100 distinct pieces of interactive media accessed via a simple and easy to navigate menu structure, 3D Clinic Professional replaces traditional analogue media (such as medical illustration books and skeleton models) used by doctor to converse with patient. With the unique advantage of draw-on-screen, type-on-screen, print, email and save-to-disk functionality, is not only designed to improve patient compliance, but also lower malpractice risk.
The unique selling point of 3DClinic Professional is our ability to facilitate a better patient outcome via a healthcare professional's communication of 3D interactive imagery. It is the intent of 3DClinic to take a competitive position throughout the world in any market segment where a healthcare professional, teacher, parent or other individual wishes to achieve an improved educational outcome in the area of anatomy, medicine and health via communication of 3D interactive imagery. The core value of our first product developed for use in general practice is a better patient outcome.
Our product is not designed to be additive to GP's current workflow practices, rather, simply replace the use by doctor of analogue media he/she would traditionally use to educate patients about their condition.

The software features:
• Simple menu structure for ease of navigation
• Health topics that provide a 3D interactive journey from a healthy to unhealthy state.
• A 3D library of anatomical images of the human body
• Draw and Type features that enable you to ‘personalize’ imagery for your patient
• Ability to Print, Email (for referrals) & Save these images for future reference
• Links to patient education materials provided by recognized professional associations
From the opening screen…

User selects a health topic

User selects a thumbnail

Explains the condition

Draws and types on screen

Prints and/or saves as a patient record

An interactive model showing the typical progression of joint degeneration caused by Rheumatoid Arthritis.The image shown demonstrates bony ankylosis which occurs in the advanced stages of the disease.

The initial frame of a movie which shows the external features of the heart and then “flies through” the internal chambers and valves of the heart.

An interactive model that covers the role of the liver, High Density Lipoproteins and Low Density Lipoproteins in high blood cholesterol.
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