eTG complete Therapeutic Guidelines - July 2008


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eTG complete Therapeutic Guidelines - July 2008

The aim of Therapeutic Guidelines Limited (TGL) is to provide clear, practical, authoritative and succinct therapeutic information for busy health practitioners, for the management of patients with specific conditions.

The recommendations in Therapeutic Guidelines are based on the latest international literature, interpreted by some of Australia’s most eminent and respected experts, with each statement having been examined, subjected to challenge and discussed over a series of day long meetings. The finished texts represent the essence of current available evidence.

The aim of Therapeutic Guidelines Limited (TGL) is to provide clear, practical, authoritative and succinct therapeutic information for busy health practitioners, for the management of patients with specific conditions.

The guidelines are comprehensive in that they cover all common disorders seen in clinical practice. The information is independent and unbiased and is a distillation of current evidence and opinion. The text is arranged into chapters and sections according to diagnostic entities. Each section gives sufficient surrounding information to orient the reader followed by succinct and explicit recommendations for therapy.

The guidelines are not primarily meant to instruct, but rather to assist prescribers in ensuring patients receive optimum treatment.

The content of each title is revised by an expert group every 3 to 4 years. The iterative cycles are based on response to feedback, and shifts in the evidence base.

The essential principles underlying this process for guideline development stem from the production of the first guidelines in 1978, with the method being both refined and improved over the years.

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