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Neurology Needle Electromyography - Exam Test
ISO | 670 MB | 5% recovery
The accurate identification of electrical activity recorded during the needle electromyographic examination Is crucial to the overall electro-diagnostic medicine consultation. Multiple normal and abnormal waveforms may be detected, and it is important for the practitioner to be able to correctly identify any of them. Д total of 33 needle electromyographic recordings are presented representing essentially ail of the various waveforms likely to be encountered by the practitioner, A number of waveforms an? presented twice (complex repetitive discharge, myotonic discharge, and cramp discharge) since a slightly different aspect of these waveforms is represented by each trace. It is recommended that each waveform be reviewed multiple times paying attention to different aspects of the tracing each time. It is also recommended that the initial viewing primarily concentrate on the general characteristic of the discharge with each subsequent viewing dedicated to different aspects of the discharge. e.g., firing rate, amplitude, duration, and sound. It is hoped that these waveforms provide the practitioner with a sufficient diversity of waveforms to assist In the clinical recognition of these different potentials during the clinical examination,
A few waveforms were recorded during the routine examination of patients. I would like to thank Anthony A. Amato, M.D. and Machel J. Zwarts, M.D., Ph.D. for contributing a number of waveforms to this project.
ISO | 670 MB | 5% recovery
The accurate identification of electrical activity recorded during the needle electromyographic examination Is crucial to the overall electro-diagnostic medicine consultation. Multiple normal and abnormal waveforms may be detected, and it is important for the practitioner to be able to correctly identify any of them. Д total of 33 needle electromyographic recordings are presented representing essentially ail of the various waveforms likely to be encountered by the practitioner, A number of waveforms an? presented twice (complex repetitive discharge, myotonic discharge, and cramp discharge) since a slightly different aspect of these waveforms is represented by each trace. It is recommended that each waveform be reviewed multiple times paying attention to different aspects of the tracing each time. It is also recommended that the initial viewing primarily concentrate on the general characteristic of the discharge with each subsequent viewing dedicated to different aspects of the discharge. e.g., firing rate, amplitude, duration, and sound. It is hoped that these waveforms provide the practitioner with a sufficient diversity of waveforms to assist In the clinical recognition of these different potentials during the clinical examination,
A few waveforms were recorded during the routine examination of patients. I would like to thank Anthony A. Amato, M.D. and Machel J. Zwarts, M.D., Ph.D. for contributing a number of waveforms to this project.
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