Endocrinology & Diabetes Clinical Endocrinology


Active Member

Comprehensive Clinical Endocrinology including CD-Rom
* Much more text than the current edition - a Comprehensive format rather than the 2/e Atlas style
* Greatly increased clinical detail and less basic science than the current edition
* Now covers all endocrine disorders, including diabetes (no need to buy 2 books as was the case with the previous edition of the book)
* New Therapeutic Plan algorithms will be included on every condition to show the various treatment options available.
* Increased discussion of diagnostic procedures to give clearer guidance on diagnosis of complex conditions.
* Over 450 fabulous, full-colour line illustrations, all updated and re-drawn for this edition, and 277 two-colour line illustrations.
* 20-40 carefully selected key references given in each chapter (not long lists of 200 or more !)
* Concise 'Patient Perspectives' sections to give the patient's experiences of life with the main endocrine conditions.
* Highly illustrated with almost 200 colour HT and over 275 radiographs, CT's and MRI's to assist in diagnosis of every endocrine condition

What's New
* Greatly expanded text - the previous edition was an atlas-style text, whereas this edition is a comprehensive format
* Extensive chapters on diabetes included for the first time
* Several short Patient Perspectives chapters discuss the effects these conditions have on the patient, both psychological and physical
* Detailed Therapeutic Plan algorithms in all chapters.

Links :


Enjoy !


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