BRASSINOSTEROIDS A New Class of Plant Hormones


مشرف منتدى الأحياء


*Description: Plants possess the ability to biosynthesize a large variety of steroids, but it was not until 1979 that a hormonal function was demonstrated in plants. Today, about 40 structurally and functionally related steroids, known as brassinosteroids, have been isolated from natural sources. Brassinosteroids demonstrate various kinds of regulatory activities in the growth and development of plants. This book is based on a 1990 Russian monograph, but includes all important subsequent literature and developments, including unpublished data from the authors' laboratories.

كلمة السر في المرفقات

*Audience: Plant biologists, natural products chemists, and steriod biochemists in academia and industry.

*Contents: Introduction. Brassionsteroids (BS) in Nature. Isolation and Identification. Spectral Properties. Biosynthesis and Metabolism. Basic Synthetic Methods and Formal Synthesis. Synthesis of Natural BS. Synthesis of BS Analogs. Physiological Mode of Action of BS. Bioassays and Structure–Activity Relationship of BS. Practical Applications and Toxicology. Subject Index.


  • brassino.txt
    154 بايت · المشاهدات: 8