البرنامج الرائع Photodex ProShow Producer + S. n


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Photodex ProShow Producer

برنامج رائع لتحرير الفيديو والصور بإحترافية كبيرة..تقطيع ملفات الفيديو+دمج الصور وإضافة تأثيرات الحركة عليها وإضافة الأصوات وعرضها بشكل جمالى غاية فى الجمال

فهو أفضل برامج المونتاج وتحرير الافلام والصور
و يحتوي على العديد من الاضافات التي قد يحتاجها كل من يهوى المونتاج او التلاعب بالفيديو والصور


Photodex ProShow Producer 4.0.2437 | 17.13 MB


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ProShow Producer was designed for professionals who are creating shows commercially. The all-new ProShow Producer 3.0 allows you to create advanced, professional-grade presentation masterpieces that not only emotionalize and inspire audiences but also bring them to the point of sale. With an award-winning feature set, including unlimited photo/video layering, show templates, branding, copy protection and built-in media authoring, plus all-new creative features like masking, vignetting and motion keyframing, the only limit to your successis your imagination

• Maximum Creative Control
An impressive list of creative features and options available only in Producer allow advanced, professional-looking results unmatched by consumer software.
• Increased Productivity
Manage difficult deadlines. Productivity-boosters like show templates and settings-copying cut production time.
• Superior Output Capabilities
Take the guesswork out of media authoring. Output to DVD, EXE, Flash, QuickTime, HD Video and more!
• Competitive Separation
Branding and protection features enable you to grow and protect your hard-earned business. Make a commercial for your website or portfolio-on-disc to hand out to prospects.


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