Basics of Blood Management


مشرف منتدى الأحياء
Basics of Blood Management​


Basics of Blood Management
Publisher:Wiley-Blackwell :pages:400; 2007-10-12 ; PDF :2.4 MB
This unique and practical book introduces the reader to the concept of blood management and explains how to improve patient outcomes by avoiding undue blood loss, enhancing the patient’s own blood, effective management of anemia and coagulopathy. Basics of Blood Management is the first book dedicated to blood management, a multidisciplinary and multimodality concept that focuses on patient outcome.
A practical and comprehensive text on the new and exciting field of blood management
* Takes an international perspective, covering conditions encountered in developing and industrial countries
* Covers all areas of organization, methods and tools
* Gives the reader an understanding of the concept and philosophy of blood management
* Provides clinical scenarios and exercises that help the reader to adapt information for their location​


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