Organic Coatings: Science and Technology


مستشار كلية العلوم النهرالخالد
طاقم الإدارة

Organic Coatings: Science and Technology
(Society of Plastics Engineers Monographs)
Zeno W. Jr. Wicks, Frank N. Jones, S. Peter Pappas


Number Of Pages: 630
Publication Date: 1999-03-05
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0471245070
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780471245070
Binding: Hardcover

BooK Description
The Second Edition of this highly successful reference presents a thoroughly updated, systematic survey of organic coatings technology and its numerous applications. Written by three industry experts, this self-contained volume painstakingly revises and condenses the material from the previous, two-part edition-making it more useful for scientists and engineers first entering the field, as well as for students in coatings courses.
Incorporating recent developments, Organic Coatings: Science and Technology, Second Edition helps scientists, engineers, and paint for-mulators to better understand the principles underlying the technology and use them effectively in the development, production, and application of various types of coatings.

It correlates the technology to the current state of knowledge in the field, addressing the complexities inherent in the formulation process which are often overlooked in the professional literature.
The authors introduce readers to the subject with seven chapters on key properties of coatings, then proceed to cover raw materials (binders, solvents, pigments), physical concepts, formulations, and applications. Each topic is carefully summarized and accompanied by extensive references to sources of detailed information-particularly useful in self-study.

In addition to clearly defining industry terms, the book includes hundreds of figures as well as troubleshooting advice for organic, surface, polymer, and coatings scientists, engineers, and paint formulators in all branches of the coatings industry. The material is also applicable to the related areas of printing inks, adhesives, and parts of the plastics industry.


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بارك الله فيك كتاب رائع ....ولكن اخى المفروض الكتاب يكون فى منتدى كلية العلوم (منتدى الكيمياء العضوية)
اخوانى فى الله ياريت نضع الكتب فى الاماكن الصحيحة يوجد بالمنتدى هنا كتب كتير المفروض تبقى فى منتدى كلية العلوم قسم الكيمياء....وجزاكم الله كل خير
اخوانى فى الله ياريت نضع الكتب فى الاماكن الصحيحة يوجد بالمنتدى هنا كتب كتير المفروض تبقى فى منتدى كلية العلوم قسم الكيمياء....وجزاكم الله كل خير

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