Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications up to 2007

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طاقم الإدارة
The Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications

Managing editor: H.G. Feichtinger

The Journal of Fourier analysis and applications will publish results in Fourier analysis, as well as applicable mathematics having a significant Fourier analytic component. Appropriate manuscripts at the highest research level will be accepted for publication. Because of the extensive, intricate, and fundamental relationship between Fourier analysis and so many other subjects, select and readable surveys will also be published. These surveys will include historical articles, research tutorials, and expositions of specific topics.
The Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications will provide a perspective and means for centralizing and disseminating new information from the vantage point of Fourier analysis. The breadth of Fourier analysis and diversity of its applicability require that each paper should contain a clear and motivated introduction, which is accessible to all of our readers.


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