هدية العيد كل منشورات مجلة SIAM Review

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كل منشورات مجلة SIAM Review من سنة 1959 الى 2002

Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics

The SIAM Review consists of five sections, all containing articles of broad interest. Survey and Review features papers with a deliberately integrative and up-to-date perspective on a major topic in applied or computational mathematics or scientific computing. Problems and Techniques contains focused, specialized papers about interesting problems, techniques, and tools, including descriptions of mathematical formulations, solution methods, and open questions. SIGEST highlights a recent paper from one of SIAM's eleven specialized research journals, chosen on the basis of exceptional interest to the entire SIAM community and revised and condensed as needed for greater accessibility. Education consists primarily of individual modules that are self-contained presentations of specific topics in applied mathematics, scientific computation, or their applications; each module provides the primary material needed to teach a given topic as well as supplementary material. The Book Reviews section contains a featured review that provides an overview of several books in a subject area. Shorter reviews of individual books are also included.


Part 1:= SIAM Review 1959-1979.rar (Size=98 MB) on Filefactory
Part 2:= SIAM Review 1980-1989.rar (Size: 48.73 MB) on Mediafire

Part 3:= SIAM Review 1990-2002.rar (Size=100MB) on

on three different servers


using Torrent HERE

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