Book information
First published in the United Kingdom in 1989
by Martin Dunitz Ltd, The Livery House, 7-9 Pratt Street, London NW I OAE
Second edition 1999
A CIP record for this book is available from the British Library.
ISBN 185317766 0
Distributed in the United States and Canada by:
Thieme New York
333 Seventh Avenue
New York, NY 10001
First published in the United Kingdom in 1989
by Martin Dunitz Ltd, The Livery House, 7-9 Pratt Street, London NW I OAE
Second edition 1999
A CIP record for this book is available from the British Library.
ISBN 185317766 0
Distributed in the United States and Canada by:
Thieme New York
333 Seventh Avenue
New York, NY 10001
Book description
The purpose of this book is to promote a systematic and organized approach to minor oral
surgery, while still allowing for variation in technique to suit personal preference, local
circumstances and, most important of all, the needs of the individual patient. General principles
are emphasized and illustrated by examples of the commoner procedures. 'Minor oral surgery' comprises those surgical operations that can comfortably be completed by a practised nonspecialist dentist in not more than 30 minutes under l.A
surgery, while still allowing for variation in technique to suit personal preference, local
circumstances and, most important of all, the needs of the individual patient. General principles
are emphasized and illustrated by examples of the commoner procedures. 'Minor oral surgery' comprises those surgical operations that can comfortably be completed by a practised nonspecialist dentist in not more than 30 minutes under l.A
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