Thinkwell chemistry (10CDs) -Video


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Thinkwell chemistry (10CDs) Video
Dean Harman, Gordon Yee, Tarek Sammakia


Thinkwell's chemistry with Dean Harman, Gordon Yee and Tarek Sammakia lays the foundation for successbecause, unlike a traditional textbook, students actually like using it. Thinkwell works with the learning styles of students who have found that traditional textbooks are not effective. Watch one Thinkwell video lecture and you'll understand why Thinkwell works better.

Comprehensive Video Tutorials
We've built Chemistry around hundreds of multimedia tutorials that provide dozens of hours of instructional material. Thinkwell offers a more engaging, more effective way for you to learn.
Instead of reading dense chunks of text from a printed book, you can watch video lectures filled with illustrations, examples, and even humor. Students report learning more easily with Thinkwell than with traditional textbooks
Interactive Exercises with Feedback
There are hundreds of exercise items with fully worked-out solutions and explanations. Each video topic has corresponding exercises to test your understanding.
Test your understanding with hundreds of exercises that are automatically graded. Your results are available immediately, including fully worked-out solutions and explanations for each exercise. You can work on the exercises at the computer or print them out to work on later. Access your cumulative results anytime
Review Notes and More
While the video lectures are the heart of Thinkwell products, we also offer concise, illustrated review notes, a glossary, transcripts of the video lectures, and links to relevant websites. All of these materials may be viewed online, and the notes and transcripts may be printed and kept for reference.

1. An Introduction to Matter and Measurement
2. Atoms, Molecules, and Ions
3. Stoichiometry
4. Reactions in Aqueous Solutions
5. Gases
5.1 Gases and Gas Laws
6. Thermochemistry
7. Modern Atomic Theory
8. Electron Configurations and Periodicity
9. Chemical Bonding: Fundamental Concepts
10. Molecular Geometry and Bonding Theory
11. Oxidation-Reduction Reactions
12. Condensed Phases: Liquids and Solids
13. Physical Properties of Solutions
14. Chemical Kinetics
15. Chemical Equilibrium
16. Acids and Bases
17. Equilibrium in Aqueous Solution
18. Introduction to Organic Reactions
19. Thermodynamics
20. Electrochemistry
21. Nuclear Chemistry
22 Chemistry of Metals
23. Transition Metals
24. Nonmetals
25. Organic Chemistry
26. Biochemistry
27. Instructional Laboratory Demonstrations


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Instructions for Installing and Using Thinkwell Courses:

1. Each Thinkwell course contains several ISO files. Mount the first ISO file, CD1.iso, using a virtual drive such as Daemon Tools, Alcohol 120%, or Virtual Drive Pro. The root directory of the ISO file you just mounted contains the file 'Install Thinkwell.exe'. This file is only present in the CD1.iso file, not on other ISO files belonging to this course.
2. Double-click on 'Install Thinkwell.exe'. It will guide you through the installation and install a few files on your hard disk. It will install only about 9 MB of files in C:\Program Files\Thinkwell\, and it will create an icon called 'Thinkwell.lnk' on your Desktop.
3. Double-click on the 'Thinkwell.lnk' icon. This brings up the Thinkwell login screen.
4. The Thinkwell Player provides a screen to log in to the Thinkwell website. Ignore this part of the screen -- you don't have to login in order to watch the lectures. However, in order to get access to the written exercises or the class notes, you will have to purchase a login.
5. (This instruction should be done once. It can be ignored thereafter except for occasional checks for program updates.) At the bottom of the Thinkwell login screen, you may optionally click on "Check for Newer Player". If a newer version is found, a dialog box will be presented. Click on "Click here to download it" in the dialog box. When the download completes, click on "Okay" to remove the dialog box. Exit from Thinkwell. Check the downloaded file for viruses with your virus scanner. Double-click on the downloaded file to install it. Double-click on the 'Thinkwell.lnk' icon on your Desktop to bring up the Thinkwell login screen again.
6. At the bottom of the Thinkwell login screen, the Thinkwell Player presents the message: "View the default table of contents by clicking here". Click on the words "clicking here", which are underlined in that message.
7. A dialog box will appear saying, "Please insert a disk from the requested title, then click Okay".
8. Mount the file CD1.iso (or any of the other ISO files in this course you want to watch) if it isn't already mounted. You should always use the same virtual drive for all ISO files in the course. Then click on the "Okay" button.
9. You will be presented the table of contents for all lessons in the course, including those located in other ISO files. Click on the lesson you want to watch. There are controls in the lower-left portion of the screen for advancing or rewinding the lesson, or for moving to previous or subsequent lessons.
10. If the desired lesson is on the ISO file you currently have mounted, it will start playing. If it is on a different ISO file, it will prompt you with the message "Please insert the disk Thinkwell Calculus 5" (for example). That is your clue that CD5.iso needs to be mounted. First, unmount CD1.iso and then mount CD5.iso on the same virtual drive. After mounting it click on the "Okay" button. The new lesson disk 5 will start to play.
11. To return to the table of contents, click on "Table of Contents" at the bottom of the Thinkwell Player, or click on the red "X" at the top right corner of the Thinkwell Player window.