أريد كتاب Theory and practice of Histological technique

Theory and practice of Histological



John D.Bancroft


Table of Contents
1. Managing the laboratory
2. Safety in the laboratory

3. An Overview of quality control
4. Light Microscopy
5. Fixation and Fixatives
6. Tissue Processing and microtomy including frozen
7. Theory of staining and its practical implications
8. The Hematoxylins and eosin
9. Connective tissues and stains
10. Mucins
11. Lipids
12. Proteins and Nucleic acids
13. Pigments and minerals
14. Bone
15. Amyloid
16. Microorganisms
17. Cytoplasmic granules, organelles and neuroendocrine
18. Techniques in neuropathology
19. Application of microwave technology to histology
20. Immunocytochemical techniques
21. Internal quality control and external quality assessment of immunocytochemistry
22. Immunocytochemistry in breast pathology
23. Immunocytopathology of lymphomas
24. Immunocytopathology of routine histopathology
25. Molecular pathology In-Situ hybridization
26. Immunofluorescent techniques
27. Enzyme histochemistry and its diagnostic applications
28. Diagnostic cytopathology: specimen collection and preparation
29. Diagnostic cytopathology: cell appearances
30. Plastic embedding media and techniques
31. Electron microscopy: the preparative techniques
32. Transmission electron microscopy: diagnostic applications
33. Quantitative data from microscopic specimens

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