22 Radio and Reciever Projects for The Evil Genius


Well-Known Member

22 Radio and Receiver Projects for the Evil Genius features a unique collection
of projects that teach you radio and electronics essentials such as the radio
spectrum, how to read schematics, and how to solder. After each project is
completed, you can enjoy listening to and using their new receiver.

Table Of Contents

Chapter 1 Radio Background and History 1
Chapter 2 Identifying Components and Reading 12
Chapter 3 Electronic Parts Installation 25
Chapter 4 AM, FM, and Shortwave Crystal 39
Chapter 5 TRF AM Radio Receiver 49
Chapter 6 Solid-State FM Broadcast Receiver 59
Chapter 7 Doerle Single Tube Super-Regenerative 70
Chapter 8 IC Shortwave Radio Receiver 81
Chapter 9 80/40 Meter Code Practice Receiver 94
Chapter 10 WWV 10 MHz ìTime-Codeî Receiver 104
Chapter 11 VHF Public Service Monitor 116
Chapter 12 6 & 2-Meter Band Amateur 127
Chapter 13 Active and Passive Aircraft Band 140
Chapter 14 VLF or Very Low Frequency 153
Chapter 15 Induction Loop Receiving System 165
Chapter 16 Lightning Storm Monitor 175
Chapter 17 Ambient Power Receiver 186
Chapter 18 Earth Field Magnetometer Project 192
Chapter 19 Sudden Ionospheric Disturbance 203
Chapter 20 Aurora Monitor Project 212
Chapter 21 Ultra-Low Frequency (ULF) Receiver 224
Chapter 22 Jupiter Radio Telescope Receiver 233
Chapter 23 Weather Satellite Receiver 246
Chapter 24 Analog to Digital Converters (ADCs) 262
Appendix: Electronic Parts Suppliers 273
Index 277

Rich (BB code):

سبحان الله أنا لسه عامل موضوع جديد و قدمت فيه هذا الكتاب......ما هذا التوافق يا رواد شبكة كتاب العرب!؟

أجمل "إبتسامه" ليك اخي العزيز deepa08.